Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ovarian Cyst Spotting Can Spotting & Pain Be Involved With Ovarian Cyst?

Can Spotting & pain be involved with ovarian cyst? - ovarian cyst spotting

I had my period was lighter and normal. For a few days after my time, I discovered that I am about to go out with your pain that my ovary was swollen. Is the spectrum of symptoms of a cyst?


Kate M said...

He had a huge cyst in the summer and was told that my spots, and in extreme pain. 2 weeks before visiting the doctor, I felt the tremor in the pelvic area. One night I woke up @ 2 hours screaming in pain. can be painful! Go to dr. Send to unltrasound.

SANDRA A said...

not really sorry

serephin... said...

I had a very large ovarian cyst a few years ago I can not recall the spots, but I was pain at the side of the cyst. If you have concerns you have with your doctor to recommend the analysis.

lucy_whu... said...

I was wrong in my ovaries, pain between periods.

I wonder the same thing.

Going to the doctor and see how it goes.

If they say nothing happens, try and tell them how you're worried.

You see, if you go further, just in case!

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