Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ticks And Migraine 37 Weeks! Almost There.. Need A Little Help?

37 weeks! almost there.. need a little help? - ticks and migraine

and lately I have some questions I was having contractions on and usually ask myself whether I should be worried, but not regularly, some injured and others not and blah blah ... in 37 weeks on Tuesday and I must say ... has a great change in my body, in the last week ... My contractions have succeeded .. Last night, seriously painful contractions became so intense and so painful that took my breath away! was even regularly .. approximately 5-6 minutes apart ... I suspected they were really ... until it disappears! haha .. I was cleared for expansion into the sea and something or tested without the expansion .. I know I'm kind of growth hormones, because my skin is broken, and because the corresponding Ive had a headache ... said is that this work around the corner .. or must wait until 40 weeks? People could only guess that perhaps soon, these symptoms occur, and soon in the workforce


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